
I did a Just Me session with Amy a few years ago so I had some understanding of how it would go and how fun and supportive it would be. But I didn't realize how much the outfit curation and makeup and hair experience would really make this feel special and make me feel like a powerful, embodied version of my best self -- the way I feel my best, not the way society says my "best" should be. I felt seen and supported and it was so fun!

During the pandemic, I've felt really disconnected from the world and my physical self. This was so grounding. I feel more centered, more connected, and better in my body. Working with Christina to find pieces reconnected me with my sense of style and what makes me feel good to wear -- sexy or powerful or joyful or just a contentment with myself -- which is something I'd been missing for a while. So, yeah, it helped make clear a little bit about who I am now, what makes me feel like me -- not those "shoulds" that can lurk.

Q: would you change anything?

A: Honestly, I don't think so. Especially with the personal shopping service, I felt really good about everything going in and the day was amazing.

